«Rogue One» (2016): Review
Rogue One is a historic film in the Star Wars universe, since it’s the first spinoff in the saga. Directed by Gareth Edwards, it stars con Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso), Diego Luna (Cassian Andor), Ben Mendelson (Director Krennic), Alan Tudyk (K-2SO), Riz Ahmed (Bodhi Rook), Mads Mikkelsen (Galen Erso), Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera), and Jiang Wen (Baze Melbius). Released on the 15th of December 2016, it became the third Star Wars movie that surpassed the one billion dollar mark at the time; behind The Phantom Menace and The Force Awakens. Set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, Rogue One received lots of positive reviews from the fans that loved the original trilogy, as well as receiving two Oscar nominations for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Mix.
What stands out is that this film answers one of the most important questions that fans had when they watched Episode 4. In a very Smart way, the movie explains as to why the Death Star had a flaw capable of blowing it up back in 1977. Rogue One makes Episode 4 a more coherent movie by now. It’s also very interesting to see how there were people that were forced to work for the Empire who wanted revenge; just like Galen Erso, who built a weakness in his own creation, hoping that the Rebellion can finish what he started.
Es también muy interesante ver más allá de la saga original, donde el Imperio recluta a personal en contra de su voluntad, y estos intentan vengarse como lo hace Galen Erso, creador de la Estrella de la Muerte; quien incluyo un defecto en su propia creación, con la esperanza que la Rebelión termine lo que él una vez empezó.
Another very positive aspect of this film is the inclusion of Chirrut Imwe, a blind man who spends most of his time in the planet of Jedha, with his inseparable friend Baze Malbus. We learn that despite being blind, Chirrut can see more than most people. The same way The Last Jedi established that the Force doesn’t belong to anyone, so does this film. Anyone can be a Force-sensitive user, no matter where they come from or who they are. You don’t need a lightsaber to beat all of your enemies, but to be one with the Force; just like Chirrut. It’s a very clear message that leaves the door wide open to new characters that may appear in future Star Wars movies.

In a blockbuster like this one, the use of CGI and special effects is practically inevitable. And to be franck, I think Rogue One does a great job in this area and have to applaud its courage. By this I refer to Peter Cushing’s resurrection as Grand Moff Tarkin. To bring actors back from the dead isn’t something that’s done very often, but I think that they really pulled it off. They extracted everything that could and Tarkin looks tremendously realistic. Even though there are times where you can tell “that’s just CGI”, I think that the special effects team deserve all the recognition in the world; both for the fantastic work, and for how much they respected Cushing’s figure.
Bringing back the legendary British actor was very risky, but it worked. Even though the technology back in 2015/2016 wasn’t as developed as it is today, I believe it lays the ground for future movies that may want to do the same.
I also think that we have to praise Michael Giacchino for his fantastic soundtrack. Given the fact that he only had 4 weeks to compose all of it, I have to say that this soundtrack is one of his best work so far.

Just like in any Star Wars movie, hope is the main theme of the movie, and plays a pivotal role in the outcome of the film. The fact that the plot is pushed forwards by it makes it feel as if Rogue One could very much be a main Star Wars flick, and not a spin-off. Also, this movie responds to another question that was asked back in 1977 with A New Hope: how did Princess Leia have the Death Star plans? Once again, Rogue One makes Episode 4 an even better movie.
Since Disney took over, there has been a lot more of female presence in the franchise. This movie is no exception, and has Jyn Erso as the main character. Felicity Jones does an outstanding work, turning in a very solid performance; making Jyn a very important character in the Star Wars universe. Something that also surprised me was how every main character died at the end of the film, being a Disney property. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Last thing I want to point out is the inclusion of Darth Vader in this movie. Yes, he’s not in it for a long time, but for a fun time. The hallway scene sums up perfectly what his character is. You feel as if you’re in a Star Wars horror movie. Absolutely spot on.

The movie feels a little bit confusing during the first 40-60 minutes. It introduces way too many characters at once and has a lot of heavy exposition. It’s as if the movie wants to pick up the pace, but the plot doesn’t allow it. The first act feels too slow at times, and even seems to be mashed up together; making it quite evident that the film suffered a lot of reshoots. Nevertheless, once the third act starts, the movie finds an extra gear. The last 50 minutes are an absolute blast. What differentiates the last act from the first two is that it is way clearer and simpler. We know straight from its beginning what the objective is and what they’re going to try to pull off; while the first two acts are a bit confusing, along with side stories that just lead to nowhere.
Nevertheless, once the third act starts, the movie finds an extra gear. The last 50 minutes are an absolute blast. What differentiates the last act from the first two is that it is way clearer and simpler. We know straight from its beginning what the objective is and what they’re going to try to pull off; while the first two acts are a bit confusing, along with side stories that just lead to nowhere.
The same way I praised the CGI that was used to revive Tarkin, I also have to say that Leia’s wasn’t as good. It feels too much like a videogame. You recognize Leia by her outfit; not her face. Nevertheless, world is for the brave.

Rogue One is a very brave film. It’s a very solid movie that answers two of the biggest questions that were asked back in 1977 with A New Hope in a very smart way. It feels like it belongs in the original trilogy, and could very well be a main Star Wars film. The special effects are great, laying the ground for future movies who may want to go down the road of resurrecting dead actors. However, I feel that its pacing is it Achilles’ heel, where it could even end up being confusing for the more casual fan that isn’t that much into Star Wars. Generally speaking, it’s a step in the right direction, and a good first spin-off for Star Wars.